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Summary of rule changes between Civilization and Advanced Civilization



  • Volcanic Eruption / Earthquake : Same, except:
    • "Eruption: If the primary victim has cities in areas touched by the volcano, the site of the eruption is that which causes the greatest total damage to the primary victim AND any secondary victims. In a tie, the location is chosen."
    • "Earthquake: The site of the earthquake is that which causes the greatest total damage to the primary victim AND any secondary victims. In a tie, the location is chosen."
    • Eruption causes city elimination, Earthquake causes city reduction.
    • Engineering reduces earthquake effect from elimination to reduction.
    • Secondary victims holding engineering cannot be affected by an Earthquake.
  • Famine : Same, except:
    • Primary victim loses 10, instead of 9.
    • *must* instruct others to remove 20 (same), but no more than 8 (used to be 11) from any one player.
    • Grain may be used in the same way [as before] to reduce famine, but if used so, must be placed face up and NOT USED to acquire civ cards on that turn.
  • Civil War : Same, except:
    • The player with the most tokens in stock is the beneficiary. (calculation = tokens in stock + (cities in stock * 5))
    • If primary victim has most, then no civil war
    • Primary faction, selected by primary victim, = 15 units (same as before), EXCEPT when the primary victim:
      • Holds Music, first faction +=5 units (cumulative)
      • Holds Drama & Poetry, first faction +=5 units (cumulative)
      • Holds Democracy, first faction +=10 units (cumulative)
      • Holds Philosophy, first faction is EXACTLY 15 (overrides all else)
    • Primary faction, selected by beneficiary = 20 (same as before)
    • As before, after selecting ('flipping') the primary faction, what is left is the secondary, and one faction is chosen by beneficiary.
    • If primary victims holds MILITARY, 5 units are removed from each faction after determining factions; MUST be removed from areas where the two factions meet, if possible.
  • Flood : Same, except:
    • If the primary victim has no units on a flood plain, one of his coastal cities is eliminated (reduced only if Engineering held). If no coastal cities, then flood has no effect.
  • Epidemic : Same, except:
    • If the primary victim holds Medicine, losses are reduced by 8 points (cumulative)
    • If a secondary victim holds Medicine, losses are reduced by 5 points (cumulative)
    • If a victim holds Roadbuilding, losses are increased by 5 points (cumulative)
  • Civil Disorder : Same, except:
    • All but 3 (used to be 4) of the player's cities are reduced.
    • If the player holds:
      • Music: reduce number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
      • Drama & Poetry: reduce number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
      • Law: reduce number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
      • Democracy: reduce number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
      • Military: increase number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
      • Roadbuilding: increase number of cities lost by 1 (cumulative)
  • Iconoclasm & Heresy:
    • 4 cities reduced (same as before),
    • If the player holds:
      • Law: number of cities reduced goes down by 1 (cumulative)
      • Philosophy: number of cities reduced goes down by 1 (cumulative)
      • Theology: number of cities reduced goes down by 3 (cumulative)
      • Monotheism: number of cities reduced goes up by 1 (cumulative)
      • Roadbuilding: number of cities reduced goes up by 1 (cumulative)
    • MUST order the reduction of 2 cities belonging to other players, except for the player that traded the calamity to the victim.
    • As before, other players who hold Philosophy can only lose 1 city, max.
    • other players who hold Theology cannot be named as a secondary victim.
  • Piracy:
    • Primary victim loses 2 coast cities
    • Player trading (giving) the card selects the cities
    • These cities are replaced by 2 "pirate" cities. (use same as for barbarian hordes)
    • Primary victim selects selects two other coastal cities from other players (max 1 city each per player), except, of course, the player who traded the calamity to the primary victim.
    • Pirate cities do not require city support, and stay on the board until attacked & destroyed. When a pirate city is destroyed, pillaging occurs (see pillaging rule)

Click here to see the general rule differences


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