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This section documents informal kart racing held at the Top Karting facility in Hull, QC. Given that Top Karting often has karts with varying levels of performance, we decided to try a new two-race format, where the winner of the first race uses the kart of the last place racer of the first race, and so on for each finishing position. (ie- reverse the order of the finish positions of the first race and start the second race with that reverse order). This helps to (a) reduce the effect of getting a faster kart. (b) introduces a handicap effect to balance the field.

The graphs are broken down into three sections: A section for best lap times, showing the single best lap time for each racer. A section showing the position of each racer (ie- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) at each lap of the race. And a section showing the position of each racer (ie- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) at each lap, but in a format that shows precisely how many seconds/fractions of seconds between each racer.

December 16, 2002 Races
January 7, 2003 Races
April 15, 2003 Races


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